Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Beaver Creek Blue Bird

Saturday Feb 12th was a warm sunny spring day.......in the middle of February.  Weird I know but I took advantage of the good weather and headed up to Beaver Creek to shoot some photos of Lucas Evans and Nick Franco who were playing around on some of the park features they had up.  I got some really cool shots for not being as mobile as a photographer as I would like because of my knee.  I don't have much else to say as I hope the photos speak for themselves.  Look for a post of my brother's cross country poster I am making soon!

Nick Franco stalling out

Lucas Evans doin the Old Sailor front flip

5-0 log slide Nick Franco

Lucas Evans grabbin nose on a Misty 540

Some Lifestyle

Fisheye Stall

Ally Oop Handplant

Lucas Evans Cork 9 Tail from the trees

Nick Franco getting inverted in the Quarter Pipe

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